Saturday, March 30, 2013

Night of the Lepus

Simba 9

MOVIE REVIEW OF Night of the Lepus (1972) PG
Director: william f. claxton Runtime: 1hrs 28min ( 88min)
roy bennett ..... stuart whitman
gerry bennett ..... janet leigh
cole hillman ..... rory calhoun
elgin clark ..... deForest kelly
sheriff cody ..... paul fix
amanda bennett ..... melanie fullerton
jackie hillman ..... chris morrell
jud ..... chuck hayward
frank ..... henry wills
mildred ..... francesca jarvis
dr. leopold ..... william elliot
professor dirkson ..... robert hardy
deputy jason ..... richard jacome
housekeeper ..... inez perez
walker ..... g. leroy gainter
major white ..... evans thornton
dispatcher ..... i. stanford jolley
leslie ..... robert gooden
truck driver ..... walter kelley
doctor ..... frank kennedy
cutler ..... don starr
arlen ..... peter o' crotty
officer lopez ..... phillip avenetti
priest ..... russell morrell
wife in car ..... donna gelgur
husband in car ..... stephen deFrance
child #1 in car ..... sherry hummer
child #2 in car ..... rick hummer
television newscaster ..... jerry dunphy


We start with news broadcast from real-life legendary news reporter Jerry Dunphy. This report is not terrifying, but it is warning that there has been an explosion in population among rabbits. News footage includes black-and-white archive film from Australia of rabbits storming and stampeding the land. Then, color footage is shown of Arizona land owners trying to battle a similar problem. The newscaster goes on to explain that this introduction of rabbits, known scientifically as Lepus, (and also making for a better movie title than Night of the Rabbits) was initially meant to supplement the food supply in Australia, but has gotten out of hand. It is now threatening nature's balance. Attempts to control this influx, however, have been called barbarous.

The movie focuses on a particular instance in the U.S. where a scientific, and significantly more humane method is being tried to control this invasion.

One rabbit escapes the control group, and for no apparent reason, becomes enormous and, naturally, evil. As rabbits do, this one, if able to speak, would never utter procreation and procrastination in the same sentence.

For the remainder of the movie, the rabbits terrorize the little (in human population...not land size) Arizona town, churning out mutilated bodies now, until a solution is hopefully found to rid the invasive mutants. The only question is, Will the humans find a solution before the rabbits kill the entire human race?! ⋘SPOILER ALERT!⋙ Yeah. they will…


Right from the first scene (after the pseudo-news report) this film lost 5 meows from this animal to see why.

For some unknown reason, when things get bigger than normal, they become evil. Ironically, when other things become smaller, they too become evil (e.g. cell phones, televisions, intimate parts of the human anatomy…). Anyway, this apparently has been a common belief throughout movie history. From King Kong (1933), Godzilla (1954), and Mothra (1961), to Eight Legged Freaks (2002) and Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus (2009), the bigger they are, the meaner they get. And, according to this film, inherent cuteness doesn't discriminate. Lizards and insects are one thing, but cute little bunnies?…Never…except when you attach an ominous-sounding Latin classification such as Lepus.

Despite well-known personalities such as Stuart Whitman (Murder, Inc.), Janet Leigh (Psycho), and Bones…I mean Dr. McCoy…I mean DeForest Kelly (Star Trek), this movie was in no way a launching pad for great talent. Probably more like a source of ridicule for The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

In all fairness, I don't think this movie is much worse than any of the other movies of this genre, but it's really no better, either. There is the expected, and apparently mandated, special effects such as extreme close-ups and miniature props to give the illusion of hugeness, and slow-motion footage. As is common knowledge, when things grow bigger, they, and everything around them, moves through space at a slower rate…including the breeze, which also blows dirt and leaves slower.

If you are a big fan of these types of movies (you know what I'm talkin' 'bout, Willis…and you know who you are), then knock yourself out and buy the DVD (chances are you already have it on VHS). Otherwise, you can thank me for watching it for you so you don't have to.

I will say, to this movie's credit(?), I have seen truly worse movies (e.g. Troll 2…see post for March 26, 2012 below), but that doesn't legitimatize using up time watching this one. You've got to admit, though, they are rather fun.

If you are looking for a bad movie to which I have actually given more than two meows, check out Rubber (Saturday, March 24, 2012 below).

Finally, a short list of quotes I think are worth repeating. There are only two this time, but this movie was not exactly brimming with witty or even intelligent dialogue:

  • Gerry : We were trying to make Jack a little more like Jill, and Jill a little more like Jack…
  • Amanda : A real gold mine?
    Jackie : Well, he hasn't found much yet…but he says he's going to…Come on!

Here is my personal rating of this movie. This rating is out of ten meows.
cat head 2cat head 2 2 /10

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