Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte(1964) NOT RATED
Director: | robert aldrich | Runtime: 2hrs 13min ( 133 min) |
charlotte hollis | ..... | bette davis |
miriam deering | ..... | olivia de havilland |
dr. drew baliss | ..... | joseph cotten |
velma cruther | ..... | agnes moorehead |
harry wills | ..... | cecil kellaway |
sam hollis | ..... | victor buono |
jewel mayhew | ..... | mary astor |
sheriff luke standish | ..... | wesley addy |
paul marchand | ..... | william campbell |
john mayhew | ..... | bruce dern |
editor | ..... | frank ferguson |
foreman | ..... | george kennedy |
taxi driver | ..... | dave willock |
gang leader | ..... | michael petit |
new boy | ..... | john manga |
2nd boy | ..... | kelly flynn |
funeral director | ..... | percy helton |
young girl | ..... | alida aldrich |
3rd boy | ..... | kelly aldrich |
boy dancer | ..... | willam aldrich |
geraldine | ..... | carol delay |
nellie | ..... | ellen corby |
town gossip | ..... | marianne stewart |
town gossip | ..... | helen kleeps |
cleaning woman | ..... | lillian randolph |
cleaning woman | ..... | geraldine west |
cleaning woman | ..... | mary henderson |
chauffeur | ..... | bill walker |
ginny mae | ..... | idell james |
band at party | ..... | teddy buckner and his all - stars |
It is 1927 Louisiana. Sam Hollis (Victor Buono) is a big time rich southerner who has learned of one of his precious daughters' (Charlotte - Bette Davis) plans to elope with a married man (John Mayhew - Bruce Dern).
At a party in the Hollis mansion, John is told to inform Charlotte that he has changed his mind and does not wish to continue the relationship.
After a violent scene in which John ends up without a head or right hand, the scene moves to the ballroom, where Charlotte enters in a blood-stained dress.
Skip ahead 37 years to 1964 in the same mansion. However, now it is not more than a broken down house with only one stubborn resident (Betty Davis) and her housemaid (Agnes Moorehead). Charlotte has been mocked, teased, and shunned her entire life...being accused of getting away with John Mayhew's murder. Her distress is furthered by the State Louisiana Highway Commission, who is trying to tear down her beloved home in order to build a connection bridge. She is told she has one week to leave. She has no intention of doing so.
Charlotte thinks her only hope for saving her home is to write to her cousin Miriam (Olivia de Havilland), asking her to come to the mansion and fight the authorities. Miriam shows up, but realizes that there is no hope for the cause, instead deciding this would be the perfect opportunity to have Charlotte committed to an asylum, taking what is left of Charlotte's inheritance. With the help of Charlotte's doctor, Dr. Drew Bayliss (Joseph Cotten), who also happens to be a former lover of Miriam's. Together, Miriam and Drew set up scenarios, along with drugs, to convince Charlotte that John has come back for her. Of course, in the meantime, convincing everyone else that she needs to be committed.
In the background of the plot, enter Harry Wills (Cecil Kellaway), the lawyer for Jewel Mayhew (Mary Astor). He is interested in the 37-year-old case because of some odd circumstances surrounding the incident. He meets with Jewel to find out some enlightening information. She gives Harry a sealed letter and tells him not to open it until the time of her death, which is on the horizon.
You need to see the movie for the specifics, but I can assure you that disappointment is not an emotion you will encounter. Although shock is almost guaranteed.
Although typical Betty Davis attitude
permeates this movie, the actress is a victim in this case rather than the antagonist. Davis is remindful of Ingrid Bergman in the 1944 film Gaslight, although Paula Alquist is an innocent, likeable character, whereas Charlotte Hollis...not so much.
Bette Davis made this film after years of experience and fame in Hollywood. However, I found that in more than one spot, her delivery to be amateurish for film. Her performance seemed over-dramatic as you might expect from a stage play or vaudeville act.
Olivia de Havilland delivers the most captivating performance as Charlotte's cousin Miriam. Miriam is appealing in appearance and personality in the public eye, she is appalling in character behind closed doors.
The movie on the whole is one to watch. The twists in the plot are remindful of an Alfred Hitchcock film. Although not as frightening, the camera shots are sometimes more graphic than the shower scene in Psycho.
Finally, I will call your attention to the beginning of the movie when Charlotte is yelling at the construction workers to stop what they are doing. Out of anger, she pushes an enormous urn off the second floor balcony to come crashing on to the concrete below, barely missing the construction foreman (George Kennedy). Remember this scene in the last few minutes of the movie.
Finally, a short list of quotes I think are worth repeating. You may recognize some, but these are my own picks, not ones that are particularly famous:
- Sam Hollis :
You guiltless soft-suckin' swine!
- party guest :
Champagne wouldn't be half as fun without prohibition.
- Charlotte :
But this is my home. I haven't any other place to go. They can build their damn bridge anywhere.
Sheriff Standish :No, ma'am. They have to build it to meet up with the road on the other side of the river.
- Charlotte :
What is it you call your job? Oh, yes, public relations. Sounds like something pretty dirty to me.
- Dr. Drew :
People who oblige to live alone have a habit of creating company for themselves.
- Jewel :
Go away from me!
- Wills :
You're my favorite living mystery.
Charlotte :Have you ever solved me?
Wills :No.
- Velma :
Well, what about when she comes back? Or ain't she comin' back?
Miriam :Since the house won't be here, I hardly think that's relevant.
- Velma :
So you're finally showin' the right side of your face, ain't ya'?
Olivia de Havilland's character gets more and more interesting as the film runs.