Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Does anything ever happen today? The phrase "the other day" (a worn-out favorite of stand-up comics) has become an unprecedented part of our vernacular. Okay, technically, it is probably upstaged by "uh" and "ya' know what I'm sayin"?" But those are relentless rhetoric. Point is that "the other day" implies that there is a specific day to which the speaker is referring that should be taken into account in order for the day of point to be of consequence.

I have never heard anyone say, "Two days have passed this week. One of those days was rainy. The other day, I was stuck in traffic."

Ya' know what I'm sayin'?

1 comment:

  1. Abraham Lincoln said "Four score and seven years ago" but we are too math challenged for that kind of rhetoric.
    --Mike Brickey
