Escape from the Planet of the Apes(1971) G
Director | |
Runtime: 1hrs 38min ( 98min) |
Cornelius | ..... | roddy mcDowall |
Zira | ..... | kim hunter |
dr. lewis dixon | ..... | bradford dillman |
dr. stephanie branton | ..... | natalie trundy |
dr. otto hesslein | ..... | eric braeden |
armando | ..... | ricardo montalban |
the president | ..... | william windom |
milo | ..... | sal mineo |
e-1 | ..... | albert salmi |
e-2 | ..... | jason evers |
commission chairman | ..... | john randolph |
general winthrop | ..... | harry lauter |
aide | ..... | m. emmet walsh |
lawyer | ..... | roy e. glenn sr. |
cardinal | ..... | peter forster |
army officer | ..... | norman burton |
naval officer | ..... | william woodson |
orderly | ..... | tom lowell |
marine captain | ..... | gene whittington |
curator | ..... | donald elson |
TV newscaster | ..... | bill bonds |
referee | ..... | army archero |
general faulkner | ..... | james bacon |
In this installment of Planet of the Apes, there are only 2 ape characters (technically 4 in the movie and you'll understand). Cornelius (once again played by Roddy McDowall) and Zira (as always, Kim Hunter). They have traveled back in time to the 20th century, as was the intent of both Taylor and Brent in Beneath the Planet of the Apes. They find it necessary to reveal just who they are and what they can do. There are two scientists (Bradford Dillman and Natalie Trundy) who try to help them and are sympathetic. However, in the spirit of the fact that you need conflict for a movie, there are those who don't want the end of the previous movie to become the reality. Those people propose that Cornelius and Zira be sterilized. On top of that, we discover that Zira is pregnant. Of course, the unborn child must be aborted.
This is the first of the POTA movies in which Charlton Heston does not make an appearance (except briefly in a flashback...about a half second).
So far, this is my favorite of the Planet of the Apes movies. Nonetheless, I still refrain from giving it a 10 meow rating. I do try to reserve those for my absolute favorite choices. None of the Planet of the Apes movies to this point have evolved to this level.
Watching this movie reminded me of a couple of different Star Trek episodes where Captain Kirk and his landing party beamed down to 20th century Earth. Of course, most fish-out-of-water
movies are somewhat amusing, and this movie does not disappoint. Whereas all POTA movies are intended to be rather serious dramas, this one has more humor-spots than the others so far in the series.
I guess I just have to find a flaw in everything, so here it is...although ever so minor.
The ship that the apes arrive in is intact. So much so as to have been capable of the return trip to the 20th century. This ship is referred to as the one previously manned by Colonel Taylor. However, in the original movie, that particular ship was flooded, and the hatch was blown off...literally.
The ending to this one (don't worry, I'm not going to give anything away), as seems to be characteristic of these movies, lends itself undeniably to another follow-up sequel. A.k.a. a cliffhanger is involved. It would be criminal not to do so, and it would render this ending unworthy of the 9 meow rating I am awarding it.
So then...prepare yourself for Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, coming soon...
Finally, a short list of quotes I think are worth repeating. You may recognize some, but these are my own picks, not ones that are particularly famous:
I did not call her mad. I merely ask her if she was.
~ MiloI like you.
~ ZiraDoes the other one talk?
~ Commission ChairmanOnly when she lets me.
~ CorneliusYour luggage, ma'am?
~ RedcapOf course it's mine!
~ ZiraMay I measure your inside leg, sir?
~ Shop TaylorNO!
~ CorneliusWould we have approved killing [Hitler] in babyhood when he was still innocent? Or killing his mother when he was still in her womb? Or slaughtering his remote ancestors?
~ The President[Man] might kill his brother, but he could not kill his dog.
~ CorneliusWell. It's sort of like grape juice plus.
~ Dr. DixonAren't we rude enough to each other without having to be rude to animals?
~ ArmandoNow I want them taken, yes...but taken alive. Is that clear?
~ The President